Monday, April 12, 2010


Day 1 (Saturday):
We traveled all the way to Jacksonville and got to the first church around 5:30 or 6. We had a cookout at a family's home with the pastor, youth pastor, and that family. It was good to be out of the van. After dinner we went back to the church for a soundcheck for Sunday morning, and then went home with our designated host families Our host woman was insane. There are stories. Crazy. Ask me. Oh dear...

Day 2 (Sunday):
Long, long, long. We did the whole church service at the first church, had lunch, and then an hour of free time. Then round 2. We went to our 2nd church in Jacksonville and had sound check and did the program. It went really well. Especially since we were all exceptionally tired already since we had already done a service.

Day 3 (TODAY!):
We woke up and went back to the church form last night, today was supposed to be an easy day. We did 2-5 year old chapel at the same church form last night. We told them a story about the yuck-bugs from the Island of Gak and taught them to use kind words. Afterward, we showered them with bubbles, because bubbles are happy and make you smile, just like kind words. Precious. After that we went to the Christian High School in town and talked to 4 math classes about the school and whatnot. Recruitment. Sweet.

I am suuuuuuper tired still, traveling is kicking my butt.

ORLANDO TOMORROW! Hooray for a day off and universal to pick up our spirits and refresh us a little :]

Prayers are still greatly appreciated!

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