Saturday, January 9, 2010

real live grown up = stephanie lynne!

I am a real live grown up. Just now, as I was taking my antibiotic for yet another sinus infection in my life, I took my first Multi-Vitamin. The doctor told me that I should start taking them, so at Target yesterday I got some. Today, I made history. I took a vitamin. That wasn't shaped like a dinosaur or caveman. It is kind of sad that it's the end of an era and no more Flintstones vitamins for me.

I am growing up. It's scary. I get to drive people's children around places, in their cars. I get to sign my own paperwork. I can vote... well... you know... I can join the military. I can do so much big-girl stuff, even if i don't want to. Yet I still call my daddy when I can't get the parking break off or if I'm waiting in the waiting room for an hour. I call my mom if I don't feel good or if I don't know how to clean my Cinderella Waffle Maker.

I'll get there eventually. One day I'll be a full grown up and not just sometimes. But I think I can wait a little longer. That's too much responsibility for me!

1 comment:

  1. there isn't a "like" button on here... hmmm... well that's okay. I LOVE this anyway.
