This semester has to be SO LEGIT though. No more slacking off. No sir.
1) Go to class. Do assignments early. Ask questions. Invest time and effort into my education so I can make the best out of my ministry.
2) Be healthy. This means no trips to MACDonalds or 711 after 8pm. Not eating fast food but MAYBE once a week. Not living off of ramen. Eating fruits and vegetables. Exercise. I know.
3) Be myself. Who cares? I like me. God likes me. Everyone else is whatever. I'll be happy and not get sucked into drama.
4) READ! Read the Bible, read books about God, read books about history, read, read, read.
5) Have Steph time. Be by myself sometimes. I miss that.
Hopefully I can achieve all of these. It's going to be a good semester. I can feel it! :]
3) You like you. God likes you. I like you too :]