Thursday, January 7, 2010

bouncing balls

I'm kind of a nerd. My friends make fun of me a lot. I know, I'm the coolest person ever and I must be kidding, right? Nope. I get made fun of a lot. I'm kind of a spaz, I get excited about virtually nothing, I like eating Big Macs in the wee hours of the morning, I drink a LOT of coffee, and I play bouncing balls. The game on facebook you get all the annoying notifications that your friends are challenging you to? Yeah, that one. I thought it was THE DUMBEST THING EVER and I made fun of people who played and I absolutely hated the notifications I got all the time about some dumb game I didn't even play.

Then, one night in early November I was in Brittany and Dakota's room, which is where I can typically found when I'm not frolicking through Elizabeth City, and Dakota is an avid player so I asked her how I could play.

And then my life ended. Seriously. Over, done, peace out.

I played that night, I played in Biblical Backgrounds the next day, and I have been playing ever since. I used to be TERRIBLE and Brittany would laugh because I died so much, but now I'm pretty amazing at it... probably because it's taken over my life.

I've gotten others addicted too... one a poor innocent 5 year old. Guilty. Whoops. But it's really cute bonding time, he plays until he loses and then I play until I lose. Don't judge me. Cody is now addicted. Only he won't admit it. He always says he's "never going to play again" ...false. He gets mad at me when we're on the phone and I'm playing, because I'm obviously distracted... which I swear I'm not. I'm always focused on our conversation...

When I'm not playing bouncing balls I'm thinking about playing bouncing balls. At times when I really shouldn't be thinking about it. Then I catch myself and realize for the 23097203948235th time that day that I have a problem. I just finished my last game for tonight... unless I play one more [which will turn into a couple more...] game before I go to sleep. Even though I know I have to wake up early and actually take a shower and such... Tough life decision. I think I'll just go to bed... and that is not a lie!

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